The Guy & His Wife

Cody, The Pepperoni Pizza Guy, will be bringing you his own personal critique of local pizza & Italian joints in regards to their pepperoni pizza. His wife, Jana, will occasionally offer her opinion on something other than pepperoni pizza as her love for pizza goes far beyond pepperoni.

The blog may have started as Cody was joking around about critiquing pizza on a blog, but his wife took him seriously and so The Pepperoni Pizza Guy was launched. Cody happily explores what the metroplex has to offer in regards to pepperoni pizza and hopes you too can find your favorite local pizza joint!

You can also expect the occasional recipe as Jana tries to save their pocket book by making pizza or similar items to please his pallet. Disclosure: He does like other foods a lot, but pepperoni pizza happens to be his favorite and it's what he always fall back on. You can almost guarantee if his wife isn't around that he's likely eating a frozen pizza or ordering in.
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